Creative Energy

The rhythm of daily life right now is something akin to ground hog day. Wake, make coffee, feed dogs, read depressing news, go for a photo walk, come home eat lunch, do photo edits, open bottle of wine, sit and watch a movie, go to bed… Rinse and repeat.

I know I speak for many of us when I say that this is life that nobody was prepared for. Two weeks ago I was diving in the Caribbean and thinking all of this virus stuff couldn’t be as bad as it seemed. Wow, was I wrong.

Now, trying to make it through the days with a sense of purpose, especially, creative purpose, I actively look forward to my photo walks. Each day I am trying to push myself to see differently and capture the things in life and nature that I might normally just walk right by. I know that pushing myself creatively is a way to help ground my emotions and focus on something that I love.

Happily, here in Downeast Maine, situated along the coast of the Gulf of Maine and the northern Canadian Maritimes, their is absolutely no shortage of beauty to capture. While I have tried to share these images on my various social media accounts, I am also going to start a Photo Story that serves as a visual record of this crazy journey that I/We are on.

I should have the story started tomorrow and will populate it with new images on a daily basis. My goal is to not only catch up with a backlog of editing (2019 Iceland Images are live now), but also to truly push myself to create on a daily basis. If you like what you see, send me a note and share your thoughts. I firmly believe that the only way we get through this difficult time, is through friends, family, and community.

Peace & Love,

